Letters 60 Groups Demand More Surveillance Transparency from Google Re: Geofences and Keyword Warrants
Letters 30+ Groups Send Coalition Letter to House and Senate Armed Services Committee Leaders on Retaining NDAA Amendments That Guard Against Abuse of Executive Authority to Deploy Military Forces Domestically
Letters Nearly 70 Orgs Write to New Members of Congress Encouraging Racial Diversity in Office Hiring Practices
Letters Bipartisan Letter Supporting the Continuation of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress in the 117th Congress
Letters House Members and Progressive Organizations’ Letter to Congressional Leadership Urging the End of Corporate Government Movement
Letters Organizations Urge Senate and House Armed Services Committees Preserve the Ability of the SIGAR to Evaluate and Audit Spending Decisions
Letters Coalition Commends House For Passing The Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act of 2019, H.R. 4894
Letters 24 Groups Urge Congressional Leaders Not to Include Expired FISA Authorities in Continuing Resolution