Press Hits HUFFINGTON POST: Activists Counter Federal Reserve Gathering With Push Against Interest Rate Hikes
Press Hits OPEN SECRETS: Watchdog groups call on Ethics Committee to release findings in Azerbaijan case
Press Hits HUFFINGTON POST: ‘First We Pray, Then We Organize’ The Unlikely Coalition for Net Neutrality (VIDEO)
Press Hits REASON: Trans Pacific Partnership Roundup: On the Eve of Its Fast Track House Vote, The Politics Remain Twisted
Press Hits CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: NSA surveillance debate gives rise to bipartisan Civil Liberties Coalition
Press Hits FOREIGN POLICY: With the Passage of NSA Reforms, Telecoms Say the Buck Has Been Passed to Them
Press Hits MINTPRESS NEWS: Unsatisfied With Weak Spy Reforms, Movement Snowden Built Vows To Fight On
Press Hits FIREDOGLAKE: Congress Did Not Pass an Anti-Surveillance Law (And Other Thoughts About the USA Freedom Act)