Vote Recommendations

Demand Progress Vote Rec: NO on USA FREEDOM Reauth Act

The House will vote Wednesday on the domestic surveillance USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020 (H.R. 6172), which would revive Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act. It was not amended in the Rules committee.

Our vote recommendation:
VOTE NO on USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act

The bill does not contain the necessary reforms to domestic surveillance to be worthy of your support. Specifically, it does not contain the Daines-Wyden amendment, which would have drawn a bright line to prohibit warrantless FBI surveillance of Internet search and browser history under Section 215. Daines-Wyden received 59 votes in the Senate and has the support of 61 Senators. 80 organizations, including the ACLU, FreedomWorks, the NAACP, and Indivisible have called on House leadership to allow for a vote on the Daines-Wyden amendment.

When the legislation fails on the floor, leadership will most likely give you another opportunity to vote for legislation that contains appropriate reforms, including Daines-Wyden.

Please OPPOSE the USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act.
