Press Releases

Demand Progress Statement On Sen. Kennedy’s Harmful Anti-Net Neutrality Bill

Sen. Kennedy announced he is introducing disastrous anti-net neutrality legislation

March 7, 2018
Contact: Mark Stanley, 202.681.7582,

Today, Sen. Kennedy announced he is introducing anti-net neutrality legislation as a companion to a bill from Rep. Marsha Blackburn.

Rep. Blackburn is one of Big Telecom’s staunchest supporters in Congress, receiving some of the largest sums of campaign contributions from the industry among lawmakers. Her bill was rejected outright as an absolute non-starter by net neutrality advocates, including Demand Progress, when it was introduced in December. The legislation doesn’t address paid prioritization, prevents the FCC from dealing with net neutrality abuses, and even blocks states from enacting net neutrality protections of their own.

The following statement can be attributed to Mark Stanley, Communications Director for Demand Progress:

“Senator Kennedy has indicated a willingness to support the CRA resolution from Senator Markey, which would restore the net neutrality protections gutted by the FCC. Kennedy’s constituents are looking to him to support the CRA and real net neutrality protections, which are vital to small businesses and rural communities in Louisiana that lack choice in internet providers.

“Today, Kennedy has opted to introduce companion legislation to Rep. Blackburn’s horrible anti-net neutrality bill. This legislation would be disastrous for net neutrality, opening the door for large internet providers to create fast and slow lanes online, which would destroy innovation and stifle free expression. Kennedy’s bill will be tirelessly opposed by all who support real net neutrality, and it should be rejected outright by all members of Congress, Republican and Democrat alike. We urge Senator Kennedy to abandon this bill and support the CRA resolution to restore strong net neutrality protections.”
