Press Releases

Demand Progress Lauds Reported Gaza Ceasefire Agreement

Washington, DC — On Wednesday, Israel and Hamas reportedly agreed to a ceasefire deal. Demand Progress led a coalition of 56 other progressive, faith-based, humanitarian and foreign policy advocacy groups opposing arms sales to Israel. The coalition directed more than 100,000 email and call actions to Congress ahead of a historic vote in which a record 19 Democratic and Independent Senators voted to block transfers of certain offensive weapons to the Israeli military.

The following is a statement from Demand Progress Senior Policy Advisor Cavan Kharrazian:

“This breakthrough comes after 15 months of annihilation in Gaza—an unimaginably costly delay. Our hearts break thinking of the tens of thousands of lives that could have been saved if sufficient pressure to reach a deal was exerted sooner.

As details emerge over the exact contours of the interim ceasefire agreement, we will continue to pressure Congress and the incoming administration to support a permanent, comprehensive end to this conflict—one that addresses its root causes, secures the release of all hostages and paves the way towards a durable two-state solution that respects the rights, security and dignity of all parties. 

Additionally, it is imperative to immediately begin the unimpeded delivery of critical humanitarian aid to Gaza and the restoration of full funding to UNRWA. We also continue to oppose the proposed $8 billion arms sale to Israel and, while we support related efforts to negotiate for regional stability and peace, we strongly reject any plans for a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia.”